The best local businesses in your spot are just one click away

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Our members will post deals, specials and exclusive promotions here so don't forget to keep checking for your opportunity to save.


A modern, fresh approach at network marketing. Spot on local provides the platform and structure for your business to grow.


Join, view and contact groups around you. This is where referrals and business networking is done. It is a great way to market your business and build solid business relationships.

Spot On Local

Easily find good local business through a network of regulated professionals

A great way to support local business.
Simple, clear and easy to use site.
Find what you want in your spot with a few clicks.
No Ads, No priority listed businesses.
Quality controlled businesses with strict member rules and regulations.
Businesses are selected and not just added.
Find specials, deals from local businesses.
We offer training for local businesses so they can better help customers and clients (you).
Running list of notices and events.

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